
Why is following the rules important?

Every rule has its agenda - a final point to accomplish!
Those who wish to thread on its path should take it further but in order to succeed you need to track where it started.

Rules are tracks!
A to C route may not be fully explored but it has a record of how someone went through it. Is there a B missing? It may not be to its full potential, thats left for you to take it forward. Is following on the foots steps of your ancestors a safe path? They are just marked points to gage. There comes a time where they are no longer there, what do you do? Trace by tracking the missing gaps.

As you go, you will see A crossing point B to C, and C to D, and ........ take note of it, still follow through if you wish, there is always time to make a diversion.

Today many students are dropping out from school, employees leaving their job environment. Did they see a C, D ……etc or have they become disillusioned in the predefined steps and looking for alternative dream paths? Bottom line at the end of the day they must have a justification for why they leave a supposedly safe environment. If you did. What is your new Quest? Thats all your loved ones want to know.

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