
Why doesn't life come with a remote control?

I was asked a question "Why doesn't life come with a remote control? With features like ffwd, rwd, pause, play and my two personal favourites preview and delete?

Well this is a time capsule solution to a mindset orientation.
Wouldn't we just love to have control? We seek it on a daily basis.  Are we demanding of the universe the opportunity to undo or fast forward, pause, play, delete events but no one often mentions the word "STOP"?

STOP yourself and reflect in order to redirect events outcome.
STOP yourself at the end of the day to reflect on your actions.
STOP to pause before you start acting again.
Tweak to rectify; that could delete errors and possible good events as well.

Every one on a new path would always have stumbling blocks but this doesn't mean you have to be a bull in a china shop by erasing yourself. Just for one moment realise that you are in control already, you are just using the wrong key for the wrong door! We are all in a hurry while life is passing us by.
Be blind to what you see to hear what you need to know!

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