
Love, Liberty, Without Freedom!

Where do i start to explain, how did i get to the statement of 4 words "Love, Liberty, Without, Freedom". Seems simple but its a reflection of past loves and why some worked and didn't .
Have you ever held a lovely balloon on a rope and wanted to let it go? Have you ever grown a bird but now needed to let it fly, hoping it will come back to you someday? Well that's how it feels. Hold your breath!

I asked myself "Why are we so miserable if love is supposed to be a happy and a bright experience?" Society is like the pin that blows the bubble up and then pretends to feel sorry that you didn't hold strong. Everyone around has their idea of how it should be and rather than implement it on themselves they impose it on others, restricting every couple to express it with liberty towards each other for fear of being shown that their way is wrong and wanting to belong. Pleasing those miserable individuals only to find out that envy ruled.

Love is air; the liberty to express exactly how you feel. It dies restricted by others strings. Who said that it must be one way? Who said that couples shouldn't swing with their own wind? Who said it must be forever for it to be called love?

How many couples after having kids can remember where they started? How many allow their spouse to grow within the relationship? How many keep the spark as it was from the first kiss and hug? Who said a wife must be a saint? Who said he should be a priest?
Love becomes a static potential, erodes within itself when not let out. We are born free! Loves liberty, we must earn by standing by our own defined strings and keep away others that are like the rope unbearably tying of the oxygen.

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