
Why are there so many keys???

‎My journey on this topic started with a statement made by a friend! 
"Negativity will never promote you. Complaining about where you are is the very reason you are STUCK where you are."

I asked myself how does this statement make one change, because now the world is full of such statements. What is a complaint? Are complaints effective? Isn't it a method to say I need help, or is it a way for releasing pain or frustration? Why do we react so badly at people who are perceived to complain?

Is it that someone has hit a raw nerve, afraid that he might be found guilty of another's issue and will have to pay a price and in the process trying to keep you quiet? Or is someone saying "Man, there is nothing you can do to change what has happened", failing to ask someone a simple question "what are you going to do to avoid it happening next time?".

Our carnal ie "natures defined defensive systems" goes for attack. It's all in the genetics as well as acquired habit over time "guilt conscience", obviously not knowing how best to approach a problem. We are all each others counsellors through statements we make and beliefs we project.

Althoe I may agree with the general reactions to complaint, initially i view it as a "statement", it sure evokes a certain level of negativity in most. Its because we all have questions lurking in our hearts that create the issues we have. Often times issues are presented as complaints and when someone complains they are asking for help, which means they want to find out why or how and solve the problem. 

Shutting down people in order to make them proactive does not allow the release of the emotion to allow reason to kick in, which affects the actions needed to take place. Complaining is necessary but it has to be presented in a manner that allows others to offer help. When you ask questions rather than make statements, you hear opinions, one or more of which maybe a solution without giving out your experiences that others may misunderstand and take as an accusation.

The act of confession has lost its power over time. When you tell a priest "counsellor" what hurts you or what you have done, you are releasing the guilt that creates the emotions which prevents you from prayer ie pondering on how to rectify or live with a mistake. Therapists today have replaced the duties of then priests. Therapy is what people gain from communicating, its an acknowledgement that you are not alone going through a thought and this makes you realize you are not alone. Knowing that you are not alone allows you to temper your emotional acts that if acted upon may further trap you in guilt.

People don't like wise asses who like to pass on wise statements, because it is often presented as an accusation that they couldn't figure it out themselves, the person(s) feels bad as it is. When you make statements present it in a manner that allows the individual to explore himself or a given task.

Why does a door have so many keys part 2?

Why does a door have so many keys? That's because there are many key holders to the door. There are many answers to a problem, it's left for the individual to pick which one suites him best. Never be afraid to ask the public questions because you are opening yourself to many solutions paths. Sometimes your mind can do what you can't let out into the public. Religeons are methods of communication with our creator, which where made available suiting the heart of any given individual within a group region. Disagreeing with religious doctrines means you disagree with how they choose to understand life, they will view it as an attack because we all have what we are protecting be it personal or social.

The Christian believes that if slapped give another cheek, fighting the Muslim in reverse instead of an eye for an eye, to which Buddha says everyone will go blind and red in the face. But the global message is trying to tell the world "do not treat the other in the way you wouldn't like to be treated"! This is hard to judge in many cases as there are many invisible factors that lead to an event. Investigate then proceed!

We leave in a world that is reactive "greedy", etc more emotional rather than rational. There is beauty but we soundly confuse emotional people with sensitive people.
Various religious practices are pathways to finding solutions in finding faith "Answers", you still have to do the leg work. All you have to do is choose one or maybe two, mix them up to your pleasure. Should anyone find a liking to your way then be glad you found a brethren. I for one believe in peace, but I also know we can't embrace it without having war sometimes. You wouldn't know joy without pain, know light without darkness, black without white. Everything has an opposite which is what science is trying to tell us with facts of what the mind sees as matter which sometimes may take away the glow from faith. We are here to find balance hence there are so many extremes "ways".

Stay steady in search for your unknown. See you when you get there!


Why is there Tom and Jerry?

Jerry trying to survive but often disturbs Tom's peace!
We feel bad at why does Tom not let Jerry do his thing? He mean no harm!

The ldle mind is a devils workshop! It brings hell to its neigbour!
People need to be busy in mind and in exploration of Matter!
Have you ever wondered why life gives you issues, when you are just about to get there? Things seem to slip off your way or a aseamingly brilliant person looses it all and things need fixing?

Well  thats life saying, you arnt busy enough!
They say a happy man is he that hath a dream. Is it peace we search for or is it the opportunity to  apply every moment of our life to something tangible?

Why are there so many boundaries, rules and procedures blocking an easy passage?!
One mans solution is another's problem! We often forget we are not the only inhabitants of this world! Regardless, you still need to dream. All you need is to culture it to bring good.
There is nothing like a bad idea, only bad implementation! Always use the rules of engagement as a guide when moving in or out of timezones!

Why is following the rules important?

Every rule has its agenda - a final point to accomplish!
Those who wish to thread on its path should take it further but in order to succeed you need to track where it started.

Rules are tracks!
A to C route may not be fully explored but it has a record of how someone went through it. Is there a B missing? It may not be to its full potential, thats left for you to take it forward. Is following on the foots steps of your ancestors a safe path? They are just marked points to gage. There comes a time where they are no longer there, what do you do? Trace by tracking the missing gaps.

As you go, you will see A crossing point B to C, and C to D, and ........ take note of it, still follow through if you wish, there is always time to make a diversion.

Today many students are dropping out from school, employees leaving their job environment. Did they see a C, D ……etc or have they become disillusioned in the predefined steps and looking for alternative dream paths? Bottom line at the end of the day they must have a justification for why they leave a supposedly safe environment. If you did. What is your new Quest? Thats all your loved ones want to know.

Why is there no "I do not know" answer in people's Vocab?"

We hate to let anyone know that we don't know or worse haven't tried to find out or simply Why Not
say "that wasn't in my line of interest". Can we possibly know everything?

We do know something, we just havnt explored our minds farther.

Why is it so hard to accept the "I don’t know" answer either? Do we feel that someone is trying to get rid of us in responce when we ask a question? Some are probably too kind to give you the raw answer, in fear that you may misunderstand their intentions.

Why dont we hear when one passes an advice? Why do we turn around to bite the same person we did ask for advice? Remember once you open your mind or mouth, you made an invitation. Why dont we just stop and realise that an advice is just an opinion? An advice isnt a statement of fact, nor a persuasion to act. Its just an insight to how the other views your question.

Why there is no Nobel Prize in Mathematics?

Because no one can solve the never ending story?
If there was a formulae to solve the peace problems we will all be dead. What i hate the most is fear! It cripples every effort to find yourself.

"Pure Mathematics is the class of all propositions of the form “p implies q,” where p and q are propositions containing one or more variables, the same in the two propositions, and neither p nor q contains any constants except logical constants.” CONFUSED?
Ok, ok, ok, we are not in maths class but this is how we feel about life. In my simple term "I am born to negotiate my peace with life", and so it is for everyone i presume. Trying to make sense of life is what had lead many into one adventure or the other. What did you find where you went? How did you get there? What hurdles did you go through? Thats my definition of peace; to keep track of my deeds! I gave myself my Noble Price "I am writing my story."

Why doesn't life come with a remote control?

I was asked a question "Why doesn't life come with a remote control? With features like ffwd, rwd, pause, play and my two personal favourites preview and delete?

Well this is a time capsule solution to a mindset orientation.
Wouldn't we just love to have control? We seek it on a daily basis.  Are we demanding of the universe the opportunity to undo or fast forward, pause, play, delete events but no one often mentions the word "STOP"?

STOP yourself and reflect in order to redirect events outcome.
STOP yourself at the end of the day to reflect on your actions.
STOP to pause before you start acting again.
Tweak to rectify; that could delete errors and possible good events as well.

Every one on a new path would always have stumbling blocks but this doesn't mean you have to be a bull in a china shop by erasing yourself. Just for one moment realise that you are in control already, you are just using the wrong key for the wrong door! We are all in a hurry while life is passing us by.
Be blind to what you see to hear what you need to know!

Love, Liberty, Without Freedom!

Where do i start to explain, how did i get to the statement of 4 words "Love, Liberty, Without, Freedom". Seems simple but its a reflection of past loves and why some worked and didn't .
Have you ever held a lovely balloon on a rope and wanted to let it go? Have you ever grown a bird but now needed to let it fly, hoping it will come back to you someday? Well that's how it feels. Hold your breath!

I asked myself "Why are we so miserable if love is supposed to be a happy and a bright experience?" Society is like the pin that blows the bubble up and then pretends to feel sorry that you didn't hold strong. Everyone around has their idea of how it should be and rather than implement it on themselves they impose it on others, restricting every couple to express it with liberty towards each other for fear of being shown that their way is wrong and wanting to belong. Pleasing those miserable individuals only to find out that envy ruled.

Love is air; the liberty to express exactly how you feel. It dies restricted by others strings. Who said that it must be one way? Who said that couples shouldn't swing with their own wind? Who said it must be forever for it to be called love?

How many couples after having kids can remember where they started? How many allow their spouse to grow within the relationship? How many keep the spark as it was from the first kiss and hug? Who said a wife must be a saint? Who said he should be a priest?
Love becomes a static potential, erodes within itself when not let out. We are born free! Loves liberty, we must earn by standing by our own defined strings and keep away others that are like the rope unbearably tying of the oxygen.