
Motherhood aint parenthood!

I was just watching the film on the life of Fantasia and in it i see the lives of many girls/women. What i dont agree with is the fact that women think that once they have a kid or kids that their dreams are over. I am a mum with a kid that by far needs more care and attention than any normal kid yet i havnt surrendered my dreams to motherhood. I actually think it fuels and propels you harder because one has a cause that is bigger than even the dream itself. I have seen many kids at age 16 feeling bad to seeing their mother burry herself to the duties of motherhood, forgetting that the principles of parenthood means being an example.

Your kids dont want to see those sad eyes, that broken heart that cant utter a word of Grace to guide them or show them how to live their dreams. If you the mum dont rise, your girls will fall. I strongly believe that everyone can, but many surrender. Yes it is a choice, but dont say no one gave you a chance. A friend of mine told me, "it is you that need your kids", they dont need you after the age of 15, they will go to live their lives and you will be left with an empty hole. Start filling it up now, so you dont burry them in it.

I grew amidst men in my family who are very able, yet that isnt an excuse for me to become a shadow of what the Almighty created me for.

Motherhood aint parenthood it is only one part of it.

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