
Her BDay or DDay!

There is something i have realised about image, people only remember you or what you have done when you keep the news going. I dont know but does anyone remember Diana except when her BDay or DDay? Regardless of if you good or bad, you will always be forgotten, people have short memories because they seek the truth that makes them connect for today. Their hearts tell them the truth to accept regardless of what you put out there. If you are irrelevant no one will talk about you.

In the film "Gladiator" there was a quote that said "win the crowd and you will win your freedom"! I laugh because the crowd is the cage, if they love you they imprison you. I look at Whitney, Michiel J., would we have allowed them to grow old, or would the Paparazzi's and Journalists in the bid to milk money keep rubbing their transgressions in our faces? I look at this celebrity gossip magazines and i see how viscously they describe a then beautiful Model, to be an old hag now.

Journalists are loosing professionalism in their industry, look at our newspapers, fabricated stories, no facts, using and twisting words. Look at what the world has turned into; we no longer believe in anything good, business people dont honour their words, leagal agreements can be overturned in court, we call honest people liars because we have grown used to a pattern of words, so when someone says or does something that is out of the box we first praise them then we linch them.

Mind the underdog could be you tomorrow. Mind how you cage your heroes. Mind what you let into your heart.

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