My question is how can "i, you, me, we, they" those who live in the same neighbourhood think they as an individual are going through things alone. If he gets his head out of the sand he will see that the neighbour has same issues but maybe solving it in his own way.
We complain alot about how this and that, Why do many people like to complain for the sake of complaining, insteading of saving complaints for when there's really something to complain about? Yeah, it's hot outside. We all know. Shut-up. You know, that kind of complaining. My witty friend Amanda said.
Complaints are also a method of distraction as much as it is a release of tension, but then who is it beneficial to? I think it creates more hell than therapy. You know how they say out of the abundance of the heart the mind speaketh? Your complaints say who you are. Haven't you ever wondered why people run towards those who speak of opportunities or draw to those who find solutions? Well its called positive energy. no one is saying you should swallow your pain but dont make it another headache. Are you seeking attention? Hug a teddy thats pretty much whats on ones mind when they hear a cry baby. You can only feel sorry so much for an adult except there is major injury or catastrophe but then the person wouldnt be talking, he will be stating facts and with a disposition to looking for solutions.
I would ask "why do people complain about what they themselves have caused"?
Havnt you noticed that you start getting more complainy when you are around people who are complainy? And if you start paying close attention, we complain A LOT and do nothing! Do we create our own stress, by complaining too much?
"This toilet seat is always up. These boys never put it down."
Then guess what, you're bound to be pissed/stressed every time before you even you walk into the bathroom to take something as simple as a pee.
But you could just walk in, not think about, put it down or wipe it with a tissue, sit down and then pee. Go out more happy and relieved than when you went in. Women sometimes, we are really jobless or hey guys why not reengineer the bathroom, put a facility that will prevent you from spraying the toilette, but no it is fun to give a woman a headache, how about we live the toilet as you left it. I am sure you would love your home to stink like the public utilities or would you like it if there was a sticker that clearly undermines your intelligence?
CNN voicing events in the world has made us all fearful and doubtful etc, we are all looking for where to hide, its what i call noise pollution. Imagine one thousand generators humming in one area for the duration of one year none stop. People crack under stress and words do create pressure.
Another "why" friend Cara said, she just like i actually made a point lately to not watch TV, especially the news and have been paying less attention to politics. She even stopped listening to NPR! "I just can't take it right now. I need to focus on the good things in my life and accomplishing my own personal goals. I want to make a positive impact in the world, but I can't do that when I feel like I hate everyone and everyone hates me! News organizations have been/ are fear-mongers, and the masses seem to crave negativity. There is, however, a difference between complaining and being afraid. Fox "News" doesn't just complain about Obama; they make things up in order to scare people and make them think he's the next Hitler (which is laughable).
Women in general have daily hassles, i am sure 90% of women dont know what it is to sit in front of the tv for even 20 minutes in peace, even if we wanted to we can't, its either time to do home work or make dinner; example, my 3 year old invents something to mess the house with and there it goes my peaceful time, i have another job either to scream or go tidy up.
Another "WHY" friend Aryck said "In the midst of one of those goofy Ohio blizzards and all of the complainy FB posts that went along with it, a friend of mine posted "The weather outside is weather' That pretty much sums it up. You can stress about it all you want, but it's not changing. Worry about the stuff you can change." I gotta say, it seems folks spend a lot of time finding problems, but not a lot of time proposing solutions. Maybe things wouldn't seem as bad if we didn't focus on what is wrong all the time, and focused on what is right, and maybe on how to make more things right. Maybe..
Yes we do create our own stress and the effect of complaining is that it becomes a habit that eventually distracts from the real /or bigger issues that need attention. We burry ourselves in these global wars and issues that are not even happening in our nebour-hoods but forced to affect us by our government and then we go to pay someone for therapy. Imagine the transfer of stress is a way to create more jobs for the therapeutic industry? Half the time people dont hear you when you complain, most get really irritated by it because what runs in their mind is "What are you going to do about it?" or "do you think i should be sorting out your issues?" especially if they know you are the cause of it. In other circumstances if it is hot for you it is hot for everyone. Everyone within a given area suffers same pressures but everyone deals with it in their own way. If one is seeking for a solution or to drive a positive communication all one needs to do is ask :"why is it so hot today?" in a sunny disposition and you wouldnt believe how many will connect to same experience rather than make them feel like they should give you a solution to an impossible problem.
My Amanda added: If you're saying it for a reason, you could say, my head hurts, so I hope you don't mind if I lie down for a bit. That's not a complaint. Or, "you never talk to me anymore." You could say, hey I'd love to have a conversation with you. And yes, sometimes we just want to be pitied for some's true.
"Why do they make these toys so hard to get out of the packages." I sometimes try to make my complaints sound like jokes. So that I can complain but the frustration doesn't come with it. "This is wrapped like a glass dick." (in that case, you wouldn't be able to say it in front of kids :)) who cares you might as well say it and all have a laugh.
Today i said the word Shit not realising i had a frustration with my girl going at something dangerous, as always flying of the chair thinking she is CAT WOMAN and then she turns around and repeats it, my son said to her "dont say that" it pleased me to know that my son is waking up to the world, he now knows what profanity is and it made a mum happy that her son is getting there. Sometimes all these rules that we cage each other with; dont do this and dont do that is what has created a world where we almost seem like we hate each other. Say it if you must but bring it to a solution and leave with a free heart that you had a conversation and retained a friend and not a crying shoulder.
Basically, there are two types of complainers: those who complain for the sake of complaining, and those who complain, but then you could also take the necessary action to change whatever it is that they are complaining about if possible.
thanks Amanda, Cara for the engaging convo about complaining about the complainers lol