Online RadioMag GAGA! Sweet nothing's and heavy shit! Aha! Just I asking Jah WHY for a because answer and how simplicity turns complicated!
a "what if this" and a "what if that" to the equation of the HOWs in this world! Isn't it about the What's in reverse? Fun and diversity no restrictions.
Important kind of freedom!
The most important kind of freedom is to be what you really are. You trade in your reality for a role. You trade in your sense for an act. You give up your ability to feel, and in exchange, put on a mask. There can't be any large-scale revolution until there's a personal revolution, on an individual level. It's got to happen inside first. Jim Morrison
There is a point in the Declaration of Independence that caught my attention: "When a government fails to protect those rights, it is not only the right, but also the duty of the people to overthrow that government. In its place, the people should establish a government that is designed to protect those rights."
In searching through history I wonder if it isn't in favour of some external governments to keep certain governments in place! If the regime favours them why would they help the other? Same it is with a majority of people, they turn a blind eye to injustice hence we see that bad, wrong And ugly continues its reign! It is quite clear to me that to overthrow a government as a single person is to extricate myself from its influence by making them dependent on me! Develop skills that are of need to them and force them to negotiate a price for a peace of my pie!
If there is a click in the GOVERMENT that holds power be stronger than them by knowing their weaknesses and beating them to that punch line! Provision seems to be the only way that establishes relevance in the eyes of those who have become stagnant to ignorance!
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