Online RadioMag GAGA! Sweet nothing's and heavy shit! Aha! Just I asking Jah WHY for a because answer and how simplicity turns complicated!
a "what if this" and a "what if that" to the equation of the HOWs in this world! Isn't it about the What's in reverse? Fun and diversity no restrictions.
Curious in asking penetrating questions?
Why arnt teachers curious that kids arnt asking penetrating questions? Teachers are not guardians. Teaching implies giving preset information about hard matter rather than helping explore the mind. During practice is where one aquires knowledge both of matter and mind. What i know today wasn't given to me in school but through experiencing life and exploring the world that surrounds me.
If within the educational system the principles and practice of management was available then exploration of mind and its organisation will be developed. To me this is the missing link to helping youth from age 10 to start managing their lives and careers. How? Choose a project and go into classes that help bring the projects to life. This way even the teachers don't get bored.
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