Lies! some are sweet and some are dark! I love my sweet lies, they keep me going so long as i am the one dreaming my vision up. I pick the puzzles of the picture i see. We are all used to stories, it is our fab past time to listen to gossip of how someone else had lived their life. We use them subconsciously to place landmarks for ours! The lives of our leaders are far from the truth to what we see or are shown! What it took for Oprah to have a mind that She has would be hard to absorb in one day so some truths need to be coated and left for later.
We are afraid of the truth because we really are very self critical. We will shut down the truth because "We cant handle it" as Jack Nicholson had said! Now how many of them quotes we know today were really told by those who they said quoted them? Well these people are respected so why not just add a bit more grease to their elbows right? It dosnt really take away anything, right? Or they call anonymous those quotes whose name they wish not to compromise. PR is such a devil, that i refrain from using anyone to do my publications, i'd rather die from my own mouth and shamed for my grammatical blunders of the soul than deceive anyone to be what i am not. I aint here to impress, just a gal doing her thing and happy you read what i have seen or experienced. I read yours too :) and same it is with my bro. He is just as honest to boot as i am maybe even worse, at least he aint pretending. There is no grace in spending money you steal by lieing to the public, thats how our parents brought us up. They did bring us up honest now they are like "cant these kids shut up sometimes?" Sorry habit daddy.
Milli Vanilli sang to us, yeah it was disappointing to find out that the Music industry lied to us because we probably wouldn't have accepted the face to the original voices. We are so full of shit that we probably deserved to be lied to. Knowing nothing of our strengths we are actually persuaded off our natural strengths. We hate people who are proud of themselves and stand against principles widely adopted as a norm even when it is obvious it is leading us to doom because we recognise that we could be them but don't know how or afraid to shift just a bit away from the old to the new! We cling to those who we have been forced to believe think like us and then after a while realise "oh dear this isn't who I like" but we have made commitments such as friendship or relationship or a vow to stick to a religion that is clearly eroding our spirit and we have those guardians of faith who actually physically harm you if you wish to leave.
We have been conditioned to lie to ourselves. We continue to live in that environment not because we like it but because we don't want to be extricated, left alone having to survive. Parents is the society that teaches their kids their own truths conveniently and self serving, used in protecting themselves or keep them kids illusionary protected "doped"! Did they think the old walls will hold when the new demands its turn? Milk teethes are always replaced. Teach your kids transformation, remove the rigid walls of self serving morals that arnt theirs. In Africa our kids are still our pension, In the developed world at least the kids have been given a breather by parents who fought for the true meaning of parenthood! Maybe this happened by mistake! Who knows! Ask those rebels for parents who dared not to follow the crowd and you will find out the reason they may not advise one to follow their example! They call them rebels and may have lost their lives or close ones for a piece of their sanity, some succeed without a loss to their lives but sacrifice of a good living! As a society there are evidence of leaders being murdered for what they believed to be right and true!
Little red riding hood was a story invented to keep girls from the big bad wolf because there was no other way from protecting girls from men at the time. Today it is just a story yet it still has the same effect "put fear!" kids are perceived reckless, in the bid to try protect them we hurt some and keep some but that feeling, is hard to erase. It transforms into other areas creating complexities parents themselves become confused in, such as lack of self confidence and esteem.
Kids were told the story of Hansel and Gretel to protect them from falling pray of people who lure them with ...... Sweets, in another meaning for words of lies "witches". After the story became so wide spread people actually believed witches existed and some even took up the profession as mediums and in the bid to enforce people to believe in them they did make some predictions come true. How about being setup? Some old lady passes by you and says "you will be rich", or "you will be attacked in 5 days" and you snob her off rather than give her a penny for the warning and in 5 days she will send the gang to come harass you. Witchcraft isnt that much voodoo as much as it is a staged game on you.
There are parents that so crave power that even within the walls if their homes treat their kid so bad, that the child wishes they were an orphan and for the child to survive he has to learn to lie to protect himself should they have seen the opportunity to run. They after have to lie to the askers about their parents and the society levels them bad if they dare tell their story! "thou shall honour thy parents" after all God himself said it, so the kid has no hope to whom to go. So they lie to survive! "A parent cant possibly hate their child" every body shouts! Havnt you heard of mothers and fathers jealous of their kids confidence or beauty? Ivan the Great was one. You will only know the truth when they let you close to them or when its to late to save a life! I work with youth and I see the damage done to these kids who were made to believe in what isn't good for their future, or made to lie to keep their future. Sometimes i have to lie to bring them out, it is called "reverse therapy" to trick the mind to open up but then there is the other side "How do you tell the truth without little lies to soften the blow"?
Kids they say can be hurtful, we have created this stereotypes of beauty, that when one doesn't have the shape or size as Heidi Klum or Naomi Campbell we rule ourselves and others as ugly! There are actors we have wet dreams about and if a guy that approaches you and he doesn't quite look it, we say "sorry you are not my type". Or we say a sweet lie like, "i am in love with someone else". How can one be outrightly rude to say "You know, i am dyeing for Harrison Ford!" :) I am sure the same person out of his hurt will tell you "dream on" or would say to you, "you aint Harrys type". Telling sweet lies protect you from the attitudes of others.
Would we know who is our type if we weren't given an example? I am sitting here watching Diane Keaton a woman in her 50 kissing Keanu Reeves who is 38 in the film called "Something's Gotta Give" and I am pissed :) Why? I like him to bits but then some would go on a crusade to look for him in every man and even him himself and then be surprised he isn't what they saw on screen because DAH he is acting on a script! I am also pissed that i live in a society that has created this lie about age being a factor to consider when in marriage that it has led gals like me to believe a man older than me has some brains. A wise heart is what one should be looking for.
A Lie is an evil script, delivered to achieve an aim but the author of it dosnt know what would be its effect. Misleading others into disaster and same it is with the truth, it could either cause damage or bring healing but the crusader should be wise and know when, where and how to deliver it. How many have the skill of communicating and faith in man or the person before them? One may have been mistaken and said something out of line, but that ain't a lie. A lie is a cooked up plan aimed at getting a specific result, what witchcraft really is. Maybe it's why religion and science are at log aheads. :) Who knows who is lying and who is saying the truth? Only time can tell. The deeds of men within these is what makes it stand or fall. I always believed that there are 6 billion people on earth (dont know if it is true but we have to accept it, i sure know i didnt count) and with these 6 billion come 6 billion varying truths and lies, now you know why we are in such a mess. Is there something like the truth and nothing but the truth? Life sure is a fact. This no one can dispute.
A Lie is a script, delivered to achieve an aim but the author of it doesn't know what would be its effect. People shouldn't take every word uttered personal because that's when it takes hold of you and starts ruling your world! A compliment is a lie if you know you didnt earn it, it's called flattery. If you are beautiful say "na God do am", dont accept it as though you were the creator of it. If you feel beautiful then you know you have enhanced it within and can see you are beautiful through the lines of your face. What makes your beauty ugly is when you are rubbing others blind with it. The art of witchcraft, is when they attack your mind to accept an idea through gossip, slander and fabrication of facts! Everything that picks your fancy must be put to test! Depends on the liability level of course! Take your pick, dont forget to use a toothpick.
Remember the beautiful Lady in Red in "the Matrix" movie? Get distracted and when you turn around she has a gun to your head? But can we live in a world where we dont believe in anyone and anything to be real? Humans are social creatures, i refuse regardless of my downs to live a life of a rat!
You know how they say give a poor man money and you will see his true colour? or a chameleon changes its colour based on the environment it is in or decides to be? What is his true environment do you know? Survival instincts make us lie, we are all protecting our strengths to survive, be it on a physiological level or on the esteem level. Would it end?
I believe everything and nothing, what ever has no substance or can not be tested is therefore not true to me but then maybe even this thinking of mine is also a delusion. I choose to believe in what would push me there. That's why people believe, they have something to gain when telling or interested in the stories, they got the truth they need to move on. It isnt about ideologies its about substantiating. Even the stories in the bible are half myth half examples of other people's lives compiled. Some people want and crave for the story of the treasure islands because it leads them on the adventure. They may not be interested in the actual treasure, they may not find it, but they lived in pursuit of it and that is their truth!
I have sobered up Captain Sparrow! Where is the Rum?
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