Randomness disorder - I have been called mad for being not random enough for someone to shoot darts at me!
Civil disorder- I have been told that I disturb the ignorance of others.
I have been told, I have a fat decease called obis, yet they produce processed food to fuel my dis-ease! While my lover loves my curves with ease!
Anxiety disorder- I don't respond to noise, I shut down from negativity and pressure. I don't respond to others bullshit very well, yet I am Autistic!
Conversion disorder - They give me vaccines that don't suit my genes and then say it is my sins!
Mental disorder, - I don't see the world the way it sees itself, when its down, i raise it up and yet I am dyslexic. Someone who invented his own language, yet dosnt speak my tong corrects me rather than understand me!
Obsessive– they pollute my food with toxins, then tell me I am dirty because I want to stay clean!
I thought uniqueness was my call, now i am told i have a Personality disorder, an enduring pattern of inner experience and behavior that deviates markedly from the expectations of the culture of the other, who has dictated it without knocking on my door.
Order and disorder (physics).
Lawlessness, a lack of laws or law enforcement. They violate my mind and space yet call me a murder of faith.
I read upside down, i am a maverick of talents, simple physics of my mind, what no one has tried to see if they can do, yet calls me I am hyperplexic!
I am bored with what they say or do, yet I am ADHD. Why don't you entertain me, to focus on what you do or you?
Some one who comes to me with Judge Wiki he didn't experience himself, to tell me he or she knows me and what my problems are. I treat the world with kindness and understanding, yet I am boxed because I ain't of this world of madness!
When the perfect have made everyone not perfect, then what is left for those with real disability to do? Who is to tell who, who is mad and broken the worlds order?
Be careful except you can manage your own disorder there is no way to put the world to order! Who told us to do this to each other? I wonder why am I in this world and then a kid holds his own gun to let loose on this world!
Peace is sanity, do not be a hypochondriac, this is really a dis order! Do not accept what the world shoves at you!
:) When I am pissed, I am mean! Sodom and Gomorrah!
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