Churches have always embraced the down throned! Why are we surprised if Jesus stood by a prostitute? Unless it is the dressup that is shocking?
He who hath no sin cast the first stone!
Since when does the healthy need a doctor!?
I am beginning to wonder what wives do our boys seek in the temple?
Celestina Omeneki-gold said: Alsu, i applaud you for standing up for these ladies, i would have done the same,except this story is not true. These ladies were not at a church, but at some fashion function or so. Read it yesterday and the "Konbat Kontinues" was confronted by someone who knew of the show and his story was debunked. Sad that it had already circulated(and still circulating) fb. Church leaders have done some wrong, but lets not add to their attrocities with lies!
Well if women are paraded on the streets of life as trophys, why should they be shy in church? Does geography change a rat? If they met Jesus in the streets wouldn't they show it in church? I am beginning to understand this effect, church is a reflection of the society we live in! If the richeous women come all glittering and the richeous men come in parading their flashy cars, why shouldn't they come with their trade mark, given that they are accepted and patronised in the society?
I would invite them to show the hypocrites what they do than coming to the house of The Lord pretending to be upright, at least they are honest!
Celestina Omeneki-gold my sweet sis you know I can be naughty as well as naive! My naïveté comes as a result of what I see. Our girls have turned to harlots; students instead of studying are carried out by their sugar daddies!
I am one who will stand up for a prostitute any day but who will stand up for the yet to be corrupted gal or gals? For the kombats to post this it means there is a problem. For it to go that viral means people are looking for physical evidence to what they witness inside. There is no smoke without fire! I understand that sis you are a lawyer and you deal with evidence etc but intuition, perception are facts, they prompt people further into action. There is a reason even TV stations have PG ratings because perception is powerful.
Emeka intelligence isn't in just smelling a rat. You want to tell me you have no inclination to add that this even in a fashion event is horrendous and soon wouldn't start happening in church? The gals may not be dressed like this but there are complaints circulating and such as private jets being bought by pastors! If the Catholic Church is going through what they do in reference to child molestations and gay priests, is it prostitutes being in the house of God that we should be ashamed to say is there? You see, for it is all those well dressed sugar mummies and daddies who come well dressed and ogle the young! Would you be surprised? I wouldn't !
I will applaud a prostitute who comes to church in what she works in because it would shame those who come to be with them just a night before. The picture itself of women dressed up like this on a fashion show is horrible, this ain't fashion nor style and the event is the temple of the industry. Someone needs to filter where what is appropriate.

Even in a fashion show this is bad! It's even worse because in church everyone is welcome!
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