
Time and Space!

A lot of people do not understand the difference in when someone is being emotional and when someone is being sensitive! However the line is very thin! I tend to at times create social experiments to deduce the meanings to words that can't be easily explained!
About an hour ago I came into a small cafe to have a meal on my own and the table that I like to sit at was vacant, however next to the table were siting two gentlemen who needed to discuss matters of their own interest and regardless of if I have no intention in eavesdropping on any conversation my close proximity to them makes the process of them enjoying their meal impossible, as well as myself, as I am very conscious of the undertones that transpire between people when affected by a presence. They are guys and I am a girl, you get the undertone easily. So my solution was to move from my favourite table to a much farther side! 

The difference in the time during which this was happening is what makes a difference. Those who come during the morning hours when people are at a cafe are usually seeking for privacy but during work lunch hours they just want to eat and head on most times! So when I am in a cafe in the mornings I will give the privacy that I myself want and give them theirs. Some people are comfortable discussing matters regardless of the time zones and some are shy and not often that they have something to hide!

It is quite evident that when ever there are 2 people siting at a cafe or restaurant they still want their privacy. As much as one wants to demand a stand, they should understand that a cafe is a social environment. Sensitive people realise that privacy is still a need, as one can't restrict people to confined environments to have privacy! Having a desired dialogue can not be achieved just at home or having a smoke on the balcony! Ambiance of a particular space helps the psych to unravel itself! Now they have had a chatty experience and left happy and that also makes me happy as I have the time and opportunity to go back to my table! 

Agrrrrr! Now as I try to complete my write up, an elderly person took my space! I have had a few pleasant words with him before and consider him a friend! He is 90 and still walks upright! I also sense that he didn't come to sit next to me hopefully because the universe is giving me back respect as I did the others, however he may also want his space even if I don't mind getting some tips from an older person as well as the joy that there are those who at 90 still can have a good time to chat with a youth like me!


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