
Daft! Consciousness and conscience!

About to watch the film "Sense and Sensibility" and read at the back of the  cover a quote "Where so
many hours have been spent in convincing myself that I am right, is there not some reason to fear I may be wrong?"

If one is to just look at the quote without being affected by the focal point of the film one could make sense to oneself about oneself as an individual and be completely right, but when one is focused on a particular situation that involves other parties or environment one can be wrong! What is the goal I ask myself often. Is it essential to please others or to achieve a goal?

There is a difference between the inner self and the external environment even if at some or many instances they interact. We have to accept that there is none without the other for one to draw knowledge of and for one self. 

To make sense one has to have some level of sensibility to events or emotions! The definition of sensibility as stated is in the quality of being able to appreciate and respond to complex emotional or aesthetic influences; I ask why the need to respond? To belong or to connect for a moment and then move on?

Societies in other to survive have created defence mechanisms and hold on so strongly to them regardless of if it has stopped working for them! 

The intimate environment changes all the time as people grow and it isn't sensible to assume that society wouldn't change with it! When I meet stagnation within an environment i realise the individuals within that environment have stopped seeking growth.

As Charles Darwin said “I am not apt to follow blindly the lead of other men.” 

As a person I refuse to form clicks or subject human beings to keeping loyalty to my person. I will ward with such passion that no one has ever seen. Why cage oneself? Why set limits to future generations for a moments gratis? Don't we realise that it is a miracle to wake up seeing another day? Some within the society can sure make you hate being alive and then you realise that all this time you should have listened and worked within oneself!

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