What came to my mind is a tool I use in HR and Business (SWOT Analysis) What defines us are our Values, Interests, Skills and Wishes!
1. Do you value you? Carry a Rod!
Why are we seeking perfection? Could it be the pressures of meeting up to placed expectations of oneself by others? Or are you truly stubborn enough to defy others view on life and create yours? There are 2 quotes that have suck to my mind from the bible, "we are all born in sin and be born again"
I realised that "to be born in to" means we are all given the impression of life from our parents,
passed on by their parents and if one is to be born again, one is to stand against or put it in more positive terms "transform what one was told of life and renew the experiences by adding to it more facts to be retold or renewed by the next generation!
Many women today carry the print of joy or pains of marriage from their mothers and same it is with boys who carry the print description of life from their fathers! Fears do turn to reality just as joys, because you seek the signs that validate it and it is addictive because to look away from what you see or feel is hard! "Lead us not to temptation"
When we believe in the good we dive in without looking if the waters are shallow! If we fear we wouldn't even wet our feet for fear it may be too deep to pull out! In life or relationships you should and you must carry a testing stick, unfortunately those who want it now now will hold you hard to your hesitations! It is fine, its all good to make mistakes, so long as you can explain but follow not those that are deadly. Hold back but do it before you tie in someone into your life or tie yourself to a life style!
2. Do you have interest in others?
I just read a quote that said, "don't follow the Joneses drag them down to your level" by Quentin Crisp
Your values are led by what you are interested in, should that be a rule or just guidelines? We all need value models but have you studied them? Or are you just trying to fit in? We are all social animals, we survive only when in a group but be discriminative or to better put it "prioritise your interests"! Everything is good but you need to create the space for it!
3. Are you strong to sustain yourself during change? Do you know how to transform or transcend?
Every step leads to another, you don't need to jump 2 steps, because every experience has its gifts! Strengths are defined in knowledge! You may know how you jumped 2 steps but you wouldn't know what it is to take that step you missed! We are all in a rush but the strength of character is to make decisions and follow the path you created!
Your Character, your interest and your values define who you are! Take the steps to build your interests, define the values you appreciate in them and it will reveal your character! Start defining who you are! You owe yourself that!
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