When people who are victims keep quiet, it allows those who even when they did it by mistake to take it as it is ok. To me someone who stole isnt a thief, he just needs to be educated but if it persists then one should teach them a lesson.
Even if you found through your mistake that you have hurt someone, turn back and apologise or find a way to say you are sorry. I make deliberate grammatical mistakes, for a purpose as well as my Macbook has a way of making automatic spelling of words but that isnt an excuse to to think drinking and driving is permissible, i don't drink when i drive because i am at the bar while doing it hehe. Some mistakes harm no one, some mistakes actually are for good, although i know i should reread what i write, i also know my uncompleted write/right ups or imperfections keep me coming back to tweak and add more. I am a self learning thought provoked writer. This in effect should explain that many make mistakes and few make deliberate mistakes. The world isnt evil, some people are. You have to get your faith renewed or back in or you would be just like the dark world.
In my dictionary a sinner isnt who made the blunder but he who perpetuates it. I do have a kind heart but i know i will take up someone who perpetuates nonsense.
In Nigeria we have soaked ourselves in negativity where now when confronted we try to say it is just criticism, when you pass on a subjective judgement you can not expect someone to take it as a comment, sooner or later you will be oblivious of how you may have hurt someone. Being rude and being straight are 2 different things. Rude people criticise go personal, straight people give a solicited opinion even if it is personal. Talk about free speech or banta!
I dont know everything but i will find out what is beneath that stone. I am not lazy to life for my own success. Get cracking and rack that brain of yours. Everyone is everyones hero even if you are not appreciated now. Do whats right not what is good, because some bad is good.
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