Online RadioMag GAGA! Sweet nothing's and heavy shit! Aha! Just I asking Jah WHY for a because answer and how simplicity turns complicated!
a "what if this" and a "what if that" to the equation of the HOWs in this world! Isn't it about the What's in reverse? Fun and diversity no restrictions.
A. S. Pushkin
Unlike other countries within Africa at least Nigerian artists aren't covering up the state of affairs.
What's the point in dying in silence? As I said before, the white picket fences hide the desperate, rappers have been hated from time, they were always the poets of their time.
A. Pushkin was sent on exile to Siberia by the royal family for disturbing their peace and the only way he could be brought down was through duels. They found out that among his strengths there was one crucial weak point "his passion for life, dignity "in his wife" as a proud african man even if he didn't grow up within the african environment he still had the hot rod blood flowing. He became jealous easy because as he was a terrible flirt himself, he presumed that women are too weak. He set out to marry into a rich home and to some extent he thought at least as he pursues his core talent his wife wouldn't be in desperate need of financial care. He loved her most but like any african man would fall in and out of love easily as that fuelled the muse, he could fall in love with a leaf or tree and find beauty in a stone and using that to describe a lady, which made him a catch in high society.
His grand mother brought to his attention a lot of things which made him write from such an early age. She told him of the far seas and about his ancestral lineage which fuelled his ego and pride. Everyone loved his plays and poetry until it turned heads because they didn't realise that with the love of life comes in the love of people, they are inseparable values.
His passion and love of women became a problem when he was deprived of being financially stable, separated from his family, then came in slander by writing compromising bio about him so others wouldn't give him work to sustain his family and craft, one suitor after the other came after his wife and being married to him made her an outlaw as well and her family became agitated and in process gave her the wrong set of advices which pushed her to infidelities to what he couldn't be dispassionate about. He started drinking heavily which compromised his ability to think rationally and he was in and out of duels which finally brought him to his demise.
He was a child of the revolutionary era where various poets of his time were his friends and together they sought to enlighten the elite about the plight of the people which they never wanted to hear. Most of his incredible works had been destroyed as that was perceived harmful by the royal family but they didn't realise that by trying to erase his image they would meet with a worse fate, the fall of the Romanovs.
Not listening to the tongs of time coming from the poets often leads to the fall of a rule. The Romanovs were preoccupied with their own interests and when things became bad it became too late to turn back the tides of people's self loathing. Incarcerating writers who are lead to speak the truth is dangerous for a society and its leaders. It is God that speaks through them as they are the vessels that carry the light but often seen as the dark nights.
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