Online RadioMag GAGA! Sweet nothing's and heavy shit! Aha! Just I asking Jah WHY for a because answer and how simplicity turns complicated!
a "what if this" and a "what if that" to the equation of the HOWs in this world! Isn't it about the What's in reverse? Fun and diversity no restrictions.
Statuses and Quotes that motivate me!
I like to use statuses that motivate me greatly and hope it does you too.
Make your plans as fantastic as you like: Because 25 years from now, they will seem mediocre. Make your plans 10 times as great as you first planned. Because 25 years from now, you will wonder why you did not make them 50 times as great. (Henry Curtis)
I have been contemplating on the hows and where and when and with whom and what for quite sometime with my project. Should i go slow, should i go hard, should i this and that? Well this status just told me, if it is fantastic and great to you, go do it. Although i am not one for ever trying to be perfect, worries do get hold of me. My thought "does my market actually want this regardless of if they need it"? Its like trying to feed a child the meal it dosnt want. My life long love called StartUpSity has been brewing for long and has achieved accolades and recognition from first day, yet i hadnt been satisfied with myself and created something that is bigger than myself :). Looking at where it first started and how i worried then, now seems nothing in comparison to what i am dealing with now. The bigger your dream the more protection it needs.
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